I am absolutely delighted to have received this five star book review of Buying Gemstones & Jewellery in Thailand via Netgalley.com
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Full Text: Looking at the map, the tea leaves predict that Thailand may be in the planning for a future visit. With a particular interest in acquiring gemstones and jewellery, this pocket guide would certainly come in handy. The material contained in this tutorial was well-written and organized in an orderly fashion. For an initial understanding, the author began the dialogue by classifying gemstones from precious to semi-precious. The narrative went on to define the origin and mineral composition of where many of the gemstones are found. With some mineral locations drying up, Thailand is known to import many for its steady trade. It’s a huge business. Many pictures highlight the journey of gemstones through people, places and the many brilliant gems. However, a word of caution is needed when visiting Thailand with the intention of deciding to make a purchase of a gemstone. It comes highly recommended to make any and all gem purchases from a reputable dealer at an actual brick-and-mortar location. On a closing word, there’s an important point to consider that appears throughout the book. Hucksters with clever scams are plentiful and claim themselves to be experts within the field of gemmology. With countless fraudsters abound, their sole intent is to part the unknowing tourist from their hard-earned cash. Have fun but remember one thing – buyer beware. I extend my gratitude to NetGalley and Filament Publishing for this ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.
I am exceptionally grateful to those readers who have taken the time to write a book review, either on Amazon.co.uk or Netgalley. It is extremely helpful and important for any author to have this ‘social proof’ to help influence other potential readers. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.
Kim Rix, GG GIA
Gemstone Detective
Be smart. Be sure. Buy with confidence [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column] [/et_pb_row] [/et_pb_section]